Cloud C²

Connecting the WiFi Pineapple to Cloud C²

Cloud C²

Cloud C² makes it easy for pen testers and IT security teams to deploy and manage fleets of Hak5 gear from a simple cloud dashboard.

Cloud C² is a self-hosted web-based command and control suite for networked Hak5 gear that lets you pentest from anywhere.

Linux, Mac and Windows computers can host the Cloud C² server while Hak5 gear such as the WiFi Pineapple, LAN Turtle and Packet Squirrel can be provisioned as clients.

Connecting to Cloud C²

Once you have Cloud C² installed and configured, adding a WiFi Pineapple to your server is simple!

  1. Create a device in your Cloud C² instance following these steps

  2. Download the device configuration file

  3. Navigate to "Settings" on the WiFi Pineapple

  4. Click the "Choose File" button in the Cloud C² card

  5. Upload your configuration file

WiFi Pineapple and Cloud C²

Once connected to a server, the Cloud C² service takes over most configuration and operation of the WiFi Pineapple.

Typical operations such as starting, stopping, and viewing recon scans, configuring filters, etc, are managed centrally by the Cloud C² server, and the local WiFi Pineapple UI is paused. The Cloud C² alert on the WiFi Pineapple allows for basic network configuration.

Should you find it necessary to make changes to the WiFi Pineapple locally, the UI can be re-enabled by the "Access UI" button.

Warning - The Cloud C² server will overwrite some configuration options, such as the PineAP and Recon Scan controls. Local control of the WiFi Pineapple while connected to Cloud C² should only be used for configuration changes that cannot be made remotely.

Disconnecting from Cloud C²

Your WiFi Pineapple can be unsubscribed from Cloud C² by clicking the "Remove Configuration & Reboot" button.

If you are in Local UI Bypass mode, it can be unsubscribed by navigating to "Settings" and using "Remove Configuration File" in the Cloud C² card.

Last updated