Setup Basics

These setup guides are intended to outline the process of installing the latest software on the WiFi Pineapple. Setup may be completed from any modern operating system with Internet access and a web browser (since you’re reading this, it’s safe to assume you have both).

The basic setup process is to download the latest firmware, connect the WiFi Pineapple to the host device, browse to the WiFi Pineapple web interface from the host device and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the firmware flashing process. For convenience, instructions and videos are provided for for common operating systems.


For security purposes, during the setup process you will be prompted to press the reset button. We recommend performing the setup with the WiFi Pineapple radios disabled.If you are not connected to the WiFi Pineapple over WiFi for initial setup, you are requested to press the reset button momentarily to disable the radios.If you must proceed with initial setup over WiFi, you will be requested to hold the reset button for 3 or more seconds to continue.The Reset button is located on the underside of the WiFi Pineapple NANO and on the back of the WiFi Pineapple TETRA.


We advise connecting the WiFi Pineapple NANO to a stable USB power supply capable of providing 9W for initial setup. When connecting to a PC, use the included USB Y cable. This setup process will require 5-10 minutes.

  1. Download the latest WiFi Pineapple NANO firmware from the Hak5 Download Center

  2. Plug the NANO into your computer using the included USB Y cable

  3. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete setup


We advise connecting the WiFi Pineapple TETRA to a stable power supply capable of providing 18W for initial setup. When connecting to a PC, use the included USB Y cable. This setup process will require approximately 5 minutes.

  1. Download the latest WiFi Pineapple TETRA firmware from the Hak5 Download Center

  2. Plug the TETRA into your computer using the included USB Y cable

  3. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete setup

Last updated