Working with PineAP from the CLI

PineAP may be configured by the command line in addition to the web UI. This may be useful if you wish to script your WiFi Pineapple or text process log results.

As an example, we will list directed probe requests from nearby stations:

/etc/init.d/pineapd start
/usr/bin/pineap /tmp/pineap.conf logging on
/usr/bin/pineap /tmp/pineap.conf run_scan 0 2
/usr/bin/pineap /tmp/pineap.conf list_probes

This will start PineAP, enable logging, run a continuous scan on both 2.4 and 5 GHz frequencies and list probe requests. The output may be parsed with standard text processing tools.

Keep in mind that run_scan accepts two arguments, duration (in seconds) and frequencies. In the example above, duration is set to 0 for a continuous scan, and frequencies is set to 2 for both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. This example is specific to the WiFi Pineapple TETRA, which features dual-band radios. The run_scan command would need to be modified for the single-band WiFi Pineapple NANO as run_scan 0 0.

For additional information, see the pineap CLI help for a list of commands

/usr/bin/pineap help
 karma [on/off]
 add_ssid [ssid]
 add_ssid_file [file with list of ssids]
 del_ssid [ssid]
 del_ssid_file [file with list of ssids]
 capture_ssids [on/off]
 connect_notifications [on/off]
 disconnect_notifications [on/off]
 beacon_responses [on/off]
 broadcast_pool [on/off]
 ssid_filter [black/white]
 mac_filter [black/white]
 beacon_interval [LOW/NORMAL/AGGRESSIVE]
 beacon_response_interval [LOW/NORMAL/AGGRESSIVE]
 set_source [mac]
 set_target [mac]
 logging [on/off]
 deauth [mac] [bssid] [channel] [multiplier]
 ap_channel [channel]
 run_scan [duration in sec] [frequencies (0 for 2GHz, 1 for 5GHz, 2 for both)]
 inject [file] [channel] [multiplier] [delay]
 pause (channel hopping)
 unpause (channel hopping)
 handshake_capture_start [bssid] [channel]

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